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"'''Andrej Akan'''" is an imaginary persona created by [[Nina005]] that has been active since 2017, representing a mentally ill 16 year old schizophrenic manchild with a feces and prolapsed anus fetish with a superiority complex, a ravenous desperate and addicted [[Kit]]/[[Bouncer]] user who will stop at no bounds to continue his overusage of it, a supposed "servant" of the schizophrenic personality "Janus" who is thought to be "God" and supposedly has an entire "botnet", or a mixture of both.
He is a forkie who loves, almost addicted, to constantly destroy VMs, always by either: [[Kit]]/[[Bouncer]], [[OIETIF|Fake OIETIF]], deletion of the HKLM registry hive or his ducktaped together [[jjjj Ransomware]]. He is inherently, and was designed to be, anti-fun. He has a massive, and I mean, <i>MASSIVE</i> ransomware hyperfixation that is rivaled only by [[Hildaboo]]'s own.
He constantly impersonates people he doesn't like on the site and occassionally terminates random people he doesn't like on Discord (he hasn't done this since 2019). His true country of origin is unknown, but he has been presumed to be from either Pakistan or Croatia. Either way, it still pisses him off when either of those countries are mentioned, but even it still doesn't provide a conclusive answer.
He is famous for having grammar so bad and terrible, that someone, somehow, wanted to compile a list of hilarious quotes he has said over the course of a few years. Here it is: [[Andrej Akan/Quotes|Click here to see all the quotes! (warning: it's realllyreally longKlong!)]]
== Trivia ==

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