- VM0b0t Rules -
VM0b0t is our anarchy VM. Most things including NSFW are allowed, however we now have a few rules
R1. Don't break the law.
Do not use CollabVM or CollabVM's network to violate United States federal law, New York state law, or international law. If CollabVM becomes aware a crime has been committed through its service, you will be immediately banned, and your activities may be reported to the authorities if necessary.
CollabVM is required by law to notify law enforcement agencies if it becomes aware of the presence of child pornography on, or being transmitted through its network.
COPPA is also enforced, please do not use CollabVM if you are under the age of 13 years old.
R2. No running DoS/DDoS tools.
Do not use CollabVM to DoS/DDoS an indivdiual, business, company, or anyone else.
R3. No spam distribution.
Do not spam any emails using this service or push spam in general.
R4. Do not abuse any exploits.
Do not abuse any exploits, additionally if you see someone abusing exploits or you need to report one, please contact me at:
[email protected]
R5. No bypassing CollabNet.
Do not attempt to bypass the blocking provided by CollabNet, especially if it is being used to break Rule 1, Rule 2, or Rule 6 (or run stupid over-used things).
R6. Banned Sites and Material
The following sites and material are banned from VM0b0t and you will be promptly banned for opening them
- Discord (due to abuse)
- Gore
- Child Sexual Abuse Material