
Revision as of 13:34, 14 May 2024 by Madz (talk | contribs)
Some or all of the info on this page is outdated and needs updating.

UserVM is a version of CollabVM that allows people to host their own VMs. It can be found here. In order to host a VM on UserVM, you will need to get in contact with the administrators (Usually through our Discord server) and have a working VM that has been port forwarded. see the UserVM Handbook for instructions on how to set a VM up

List of VMs

This was last updated on 2024-05-14. May not be accurate.


Hoster Node OS Description VM List Name & "Description" Screenshot
Elijah 2011pcsim Tiny7 A tiny7 VM that emulates the feel of a family computer from 2011 2011 Family PC Simulator - Hosted by Elijah
Elijah calculator Calculator A VM that runs a calculator Calculator - Hosted by Elijah
Spy cvmpy_draw The demo of, which allows users to draw on the screen Draw! - a demo
Elijah forkievm1 IOS 2.1.1 VM that runs emulates a iPod Touch 2G (ForkieVM1) IOS 2.1.1 (iPod Touch 2G) - By Elijah
Madz madzvm1 Windows 7 Enterprise (Subject to change) VM that runs Windows 7 Windows 7 - Hosted by
Madz madzvm2 Windows Server 2003 (Subject to change) VM that runs Windows Server 2003. It can be accessed through the public internet with IPV6 Windows Server 2003 - Hosted by madz258.
MDMCK10 mdvm1 Windows 11 x64 Lite VM that runs a stripped down version of Windows 11 [MD-1] Windows 11 x64 Lite ovm1 Windows Vista VM that run Windows Vista with some programs preinstalled. Not live (yet) Windows Vista - Hosted by ovm2 MiniXP A VM that just runs Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Bejeweled 2 - Hosted by
? train Alpine Linux A VM that runs train TrainVM

These are grouped in a separate category due to their abundance.

Former (basically killed off for good)

  • Original XBOX: Was hosted by DarkOK. Built on the XQEMU system and has unique controls. Named seXbox on the menu.
  • So much win! hosted by DarkOK, the infamous XSS VM
  • The venerable Wandows Pissta UserVM, hosted by you know who.
  • Little Timmy VM, hosted by Holy Network Adapter
  • CBL Mariner VM, hosted by Holy Network Adapter
  • Collaborative Minecraft, hosted by Holy Network Adapter. It allowed users (with the password, which you could get by asking for it) to play Minecraft 1.18.1.
  • Gentoo Linux: Hosted by Spy. 15 GB hard drive. Boots to a Gentoo Linux Live CD environment. Named DIY FUCKING GENTOO on the menu.
  • Several MacOS VMs (Mac OS X 10.3 (Hosted by Spy), Mac OS X 10.8 (Hosted by Spy)
  • Windows 2000 Advanced Server VM hosted by Spy.
  • Android-x86 VM, again hosted by Spy.
  • Mac OS 9.2.2 (Hosted by Bob Pony).
  • The trilogy of Windows Whistler build VMs, hosted by Bob Pony. Dead due to the shitty Whitelister thereby nobody could access it.
  • Windows Vista x64, Hosted by MDMCK10.
  • Windows NT Build 196 hosted by 6969.
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 with a port open, hosted by 6969.
  • TinyCore Linux, hosted by 6969.
  • Citrix Winframe 1.8, hosted by 6969
  • Mandriva Linux version from 2008: Hosted by gogo.
  • Windows 8 build 8064 x86, Hosted by ziad87
  • macOS Monterey , Hosted by Holy Network Adapter
  • Windows 8 build 7989, Hosted by Holy Network Adapter
  • A Vista VM and a Windows CE VM were both hosted by the same person.
  • Fedora 34: A VM that was to replace the Ubuntu VM, but was really slow because it came with GNOME 40.
  • A Russian version of Android 1.6
  • Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 9888): VM that runs a Windows 10 beta. Has a bunch of shit with semi-funny shortcut names, Hosted by Holy Network Adapter
  • Windows 10 RTM Hosted by Elijah
  • Ubuntu Mate 22.04 Hosted by Elijah
  • Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, Hosted by Spy
  • Pissta the Second, Hosted by Spy
  • SQUID GAME!!: A VM hosted by ayunami2000 that had a built in audio and video player. It ran Windows 10, Windows 11, and Openkiosk
  • Chat VM, Hosted by ayunami2000
  • Windows 7 Kevin Edition Hosted by Elijah
  • Older versions of the Windows ME VM have existed.