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[[File:DiscordIcon.png|thumb|the 2nd server icon]]
The '''[[CollabVM Official]] Discord''' is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and the central place to talk about [[CollabVM]] and [[CollabVM]] accessories. It was first created by [[Vanilla|Novella]] in late 2016(?), but was later transferred to [[Dartz]] and made official. In the near-end of December 2018, the Discord Server officially closed down, and you can only enter with a private invite. Then in mid December 2019 the server reopened. Then on September 24th 2020 the Discord got terminated and now a CollabVM Discord 2 exists.
== Overview ==
The '''CollabVM Official Discord''' is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and the central place to talk about CollabVM and CollabVM accessories. It was first created by [[Vanilla|Novella]] in late 2016(?), but was later transferred to [[Dartz]] and made official. In the near-end of December 2018, the Discord Server officially closed down, and you can only enter with a private invite. Then in mid December 2019 the server reopened. Then on September 24th 2020 the Discord got terminated and now a CollabVM Discord 2 exists.
The server remained fairly small, both servers being <100 members.
Currently there are over 700 members in the server.
== Table of Contents==
== Tutorials ==
[[CollabVM_Discord/Joining_Without_a_Shitstorm|CollabVM Discord: Joining Without a Shitstorm]]
== Other Discord Servers ==
There are still some other CollabVM Discord servers, all of which are dead and you should not join. Here is a non-complete list:
; <b>CollabVM - forkie land</b>
: Owned by Vanilla. Meant to be used as a public server before the Official Server opened up. No active moderators.
; <b>Collaborative Virtual Machine</b>
: Owned by Matthew. Dead, and new members can't post in #general because you need a manual role.
; <b>"Official Secondary Server"</b>
: Only mentioned in this old reddit post. Invite link is dead.
; <b>CollabVM Republic</b>
: Owned by Technoturnovers. Deleted due to inactivity.
; <b>The Turnover Lounge</b>
: Owned by Technoturnovers. Deleted during forkie rage
== Moderation ==
The Discord is moderated by a moderation team which consists of the following people: [[Technoturnovers]], [[CHOCOLATEMAN]], [[Hildaboo]] and [[modeco80]].
Pretty much every moderator has access to the [[Admin Panel]]. Since Dartz is never online, all of the decisions and moderation are done in a very anarchy-like manner by general consensus. Essentially, if everyone hates you, you get b&amp;. And oh, you will never be admin. Ever.
== Channels ==
This is all of the (publicly available*) channels in the CollabVM Discord 2: Electric Boogaloo Discord server.
=== Landing ===
; #announcements
: For when an admin wants to ping for no reason about some dumb shit
; #rules
: The imaginary and unenforced rules of the Discord. Has more than 4 rules!
; #joins
: If you want to see howwhat infrequentlytype of people join the discordDiscord, then go check out that channel out. <i>You're not going to enjoy it. Trust me.</i>
; #verification
: The very first channel you enter to get verified in the server. Not too many people seem to get successfully verified though... (Protip: <i><b>!verify</b> IS NOT A VALID COMMAND AND WILL NOT WORK. WHY? BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING RETARD</i>)
; #how-to-verify
: A very specific channel only viewable to non-verified members that intends to guide one on how to properly get verified, that rarely gets read
; #updates-of-the-hub-of-git
: Where the GitHub webhook for any and all commits and specific actions to <code>computernewb/collab-vm-server</code> (and forks of it) and other CollabVMofficial related GitHubComputernewb repositories, (previously also did Gitea). Otherwise the prime venting channel to argue about bad code and how bad Cosmic is at programming and make fun of [[Yellows111|Declan Brady]] for being unable to program.
: Otherwise the prime venting channel to argue about bad code and how bad Cosmic is at programming and make fun of [[Yellows111|yellows111]] for being unable to program or use a computer.
; #hotsex-123
: Throne Of Youself? Long Answer
: A channel dedicated to storing of pinned messages by the Starboard bot
; #support
: The main support channel for use with CollabVM related help such as configuring the CollabVM Server. You will almost never find anyone who actually gets their problem fixed.
=== Chatrooms ===
: For posting the most autistic moments of CollabVM
; #dartzs-inbox
: Where you can view the often magical and bizarre emails that dartz[[Dartz]] of computernewb[[Computernewb]] receives
; #copypasta-central
: Post all your copypasta's here
: Stare at the screen typing +vnc for 5 minutes, then get bored and leave.
; #glorified-rss-feed
: This channel, and you also, receives cool shit like Steam/GOG/<s>EGS</s> game promotions primarily from the Terraria Discord server <code>#free-stuff</code> channel.
=== Aids ===
; #cosmic-sans-simulator
: Update
; #suggestions
: Post your high quality spam material here
; #nsfw-spam
: The premier NSFW channel. Don't worry too much about getting access to this channel however, it's just mostly full of either <s>femboy</s> (there's the femboy thread) Konqi, or Vaporeon porn
; -> #femboy nsfw stuff
: :youcannotpossiblybeserious:
; #public-bots
: Self-explanatory. Waste hours there entering NotSoBot tag commands like "Avatarroulette" or "Tiktok" or "Thewhat" or even "Thedarts", or rather you could just <code>&amp;caption get real</code> some random trending Tenor GIF.
=== archived ===
; <s><i>#masscan-san</i></s>
: <dumb drama>
; <s><i>#unk0rrupt-msf-foodfight</i></s>
: <dumb drama numba dos>
; #collabvm-advent-calendar
: The official annual CollabVM advent calendar that would post a new operating system everyday up until December 25th.
<i>* Not exactly true, some channels may be locked behind an additional cosmetic role you may ask for</i>
== Voice Channels ==
=== Voice Channels ===
; #vc-text
: For when your squeaky preteen voice is just too much for the VC
: The public-bots VC.
== MembersRoles ==
There are exactly 5 pipeline roles (which are part of the infraction roles) in total. (not including the other infraction roles)
Where most people who will (un)willingly participate in the pipeline begin:
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(192,192,192); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> Verified
: (Other roles can go here, otherwise you're just verified for the first time.)
; ->
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(176,11,105); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> retard
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(233,30,99); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> negative iq
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(255,0,202); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> mallow from sm<nowiki>:</nowiki>rpg
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(37,0,255); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> todd howard of bethesda games
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(241,196,15); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> S-Tier Dumbass
After you have some or all of the pipeline roles (not including other infraction roles), you will end up getting a specific punishment. Usually, you'll get unverified or kicked, or banned if you've been really bad. You can sometimes get a second chance if you appeal, but depending on what you did, who you are, the mood of the moderation team or some other factors it may not work out well for you.
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(83,40,21); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> <i>autistic timeout</i>
There exist infraction roles that can ban you from talking in certain channels, like these ones. The descriptions for these roles will link to the corresponding channel it is supposed to hide from whoever happens to have the role.
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(192,192,192); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> cant fucking program
: #development
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(192,192,192); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> .txt Gagged
: #collabvm-txt
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(192,192,192); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> Upload/Embed Gagged
: None, it is a permission ban.
== Meme?bers ==
== Conclusion ==
<s>This Discord is a truckload of whatsit and you should never step near it. Ever.</s> This Discord is a friendly and soothing place with caring people who will help you.
== Other Discord Servers ==
There are still some other CollabVM Discord servers, all of which are dead. Here is a non-complete list:
; <b>CollabVM - forkie land</b>
: Owned by Vanilla. Meant to be used as a public server before the Official Server opened up. No active moderators.
; <b>Collaborative Virtual Machine</b>
: Owned by Matthew. Dead, and new members can't post in #general because you need a manual role.
; <b>"Official Secondary Server"</b>
: Only mentioned in this old reddit post. Invite link is dead.
; <b>CollabVM Republic</b>
: Owned by Technoturnovers. Deleted due to inactivity.
; <b>The Turnover Lounge</b>
: Owned by Technoturnovers. Deleted during forkie rage
[[Category:Other Things]]