CollabVM 1.2 Protocol Reference: Difference between revisions

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These opcodes may be sent by the client at any time after the handshake to perform various actions
=== Account Login ===
Used to log in with a CollabVM account. This should only be sent if the server announced authentication using the <code>auth</code> opcode during the handshake phase. Sending this opcode otherwise is undefined behavior.
==== Request ====
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<tr><td>Parameter 1</td><td>A session token OR bot token obtained from the authentication server announced during handshake.</td></tr>
==== Response ====
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<tr><td>Parameter 1</td><td>Login status. <code>0</code> for error, <code>1</code> for success.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Parameter 2</td><td>Human-readable error. Only sent if status was <code>0</code></td></tr>
After a successful login, the client should expect to be renamed and have their rank updated by the server.
=== Rename ===
Used to change the client's username. This opcode is not available on servers that use account authentication, and the server will respond with an error.
==== Request ====
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<tr><td>Parameter 1</td><td>The username requested by the client. If omitted, the server will reassign a guest username.</td></tr>
==== Response ====
The server will respond with a [[#Client Renamed|Client Renamed]] event.
=== Send Chat ===
Send a public chat message to the server.
==== Request ====
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<tr><td>Parameter 1</td><td>Chat message to send</td></tr>
==== Response ====
This opcode has no specific response, although the server will send a [[#Chat message|Chat message]] event for the message, provided it was not blocked or ratelimited.
=== Take turn ===
Request a turn on the VM.
==== Request ====
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<tr><td>Parameter 1</td><td><code>1</code> to take a turn, <code>0</code> to cancel your turn. If not specified, the server will infer <code>1</code>.</td></tr>
==== Response ====
The server will send a [[#Turn queue update|Turn queue update]] assuming the request was not blocked or ratelimited.
== Admin Opcodes ==