List of Server Hosts

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This is a list of server hosts (both VPS and Dedicated), organized by whether they support KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machines, required for uservms unless you want them to be VERY slow), and overall how suited they are for running a UserVM.

Virtual Private Server hosts

Suitable for a UserVM


System36 VPSes support KVM. System36 is run by a trusted CollabVM member and comes highly recommended.


Datawagon VPSes support KVM, however they are very frequently out of stock.


DigitalOcean VPSes support KVM. Note that DigitalOcean VPSes are very overpriced however

Partially suitable for a UserVM


Only Contabo's more expensive VDS Offerings (starting at $57.99/mo) support KVM. The regular VPS plans do not.

Unsuitable for a UserVM


Linode VPSes do not support KVM.


Vultr VPSes do not support KVM.