TESTING THE RPL PROM -------------------- The files included will help you set up a RPLed wksta (DOS or OS/2) for mulitple reboot. The following files are included: 1) startup.cmd 2) autoexec.bat 3) autoadd.bat 4) getremtm.exe (setrmtod.cmd/bat) 5) rbtos2.sys 6) rbtos2.exe 7) rbtdos.exe STARTUP.CMD This startup.cmd file can be used to automatically reboot a RPLed wksta and log its boot time. Set the environment variables to the correct names for the machine running the RPL service, the machine providing the RPLed wksta file shares, and the wksta's computername. Usually the RPLSERVER and the FILESERVER will be the same, but this is not required. AUTOEXEC.BAT This is the standard autoexec.bat used with the makeimg.exe program, except an additional line has been added at the end to call a secondary batch file, autoadd.bat, for testing purposes. AUTOADD.BAT This secondary batch file makes a redirected drive use to a share on the server containing test tools, then calls those tools to log the boot time and reboot the wksta. GETREMTM.EXE This is a bound executable (works on both DOS and OS/2) that gets the current time and date from a server running the TIMESOURCE service. The time and date are stored in the batch file SETRMTOD.CMD/BAT as environment variables REMTIME REMDATE. SETRMTOD.CMD/BAT This batch file is created by GETREMTM.EXE. Call this batch file from STARTUP.CMD or AUTOEXEC.BAT to set the environment variables. RBTOS2.SYS/EXE Include the line DEVICE=RBTOS2.SYS in the OS/2 wksta's CONFIG.SYS to enable it to reboot from the command line. In your batch file, simply execute RBTOS2.EXE to reboot the wksta. RBTDOS.EXE In your batch file, simply execute RBTDOS.EXE to reboot your DOS wksta. No corresponding .SYS file is required.