Trakr Directory The Trakr Directory contains all that is needed to develop programs for the Trakr under Windows. Linux Tools have been supplied separately. This directory is best placed in the C: drive as C:\Trakr. Contents of the Trakr Directory are as follows: Doc: Documentation Internals: Code libraries - not normally modified by most people. Also contains the test program. Sample: A Sample application showing basic program structure, make files, etc. Tools: Under windows, the compiler and rest of the tool chain setup.bat: Little batch file showing how to set the environment up. It should be possible to do the following: To get into the Trakr environment, create a new command prompt, then type the following: > cd c:\Trakr > setup.bat This sets your path to include the compiler and other tools > cd Internals > make clean > make This enters the Internals directory, cleans it of any old builds and then builds the following: trakr.a - which is the library which contains most of the library code trakr_start.a - which contains a few other small code segements You need both of these to build trakr programs. The Internals make process also builds Test.bin, a Trakr program that puts the API through extensive tests and writes a log file onto the removable SD card. You can copy that onto the Trakr into either APPs/ folder on the toy. Look at Test.c to see how it works. To build real programs, for example the Sample program, > cd ..\Sample > make clean > make The first "make clean" makes sure there's a fresh environment. The second one builds the Sample application. This results in Sample.bin which can be copied onto the Trakr again, into either APPs/ folder. Take a moment to see how simple app.c is. It doesn't do too much, but you can see the general structure of the file: // "teach" the compiler all about Trakr. This file comes from ..\Internals. #include "trakr.h" // Called when the application is first run - used to set things up. void Start() { } // Called in a loop as long as true is returned bool Run() { Sleep( 10000 ); return true; } // Called when the application is stopped. void End() { } All programs have this form (including the much more complex Test program above). And the folder is designed to be copied in order to make a start on a new app.