
            All-Mission All-Mission

This app "narrates" the movements of the TRAKR via text. For instance, if you push the right steering control backward, the text will read, "RIGHT BACK". Best used with the TRAKR Codebook.

Published: 6/23/10

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Popularity: 38

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user1: 07/16/2011 - 7:07:21am
Codebook is a set of example apps that Wild Planet created to show us working examples of "user created" trakr apps written in C. The rest of the toolchain is in the help section of this site. You could copy the codebook examples into apps that you write to copy similar behaviours, or use them to get ideas for your code. (I assume the codebook is (C) Wild Planet, and although they seem intended to be swiped as code snippets, there's nothing saying we we are allowed to. ) This app has two "misfeatures" that limit it pretty much to being a raw code example. If you want to actually run it, you have to fix these: 1) Insomnia: The Run() part of the app is executed in a tight loop, and there are no calls to basic housekeeping functions. (See Internals/main.c) By experiment, I've found that housekeeping, such as signal strength checking occurs during Sleep() of sufficient length. The amount of Sleep() needed seems to be between 250 and 500 ms This code only sleeps for 100ms. 2) No gracefull exit: The Run() part of the app is executed in a tight loop, until is returns false. This app always returns true, so it never exits.
xforce: 07/15/2011 - 7:07:25pm
what the heck is the codebook
1222979: 05/15/2011 - 9:05:47pm
How does this help? :|
ralphjedimaster: 02/20/2011 - 12:02:17pm
how? just restart your trakr. and yes, i hate it to.
intenseguy: 02/20/2011 - 9:02:31am
this app ruind my trakrthis app ruind my trakr[/b:31rjymq2][size=200:31rjymq2] :evil:
spy gear hq: 02/12/2011 - 1:02:27am
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