CollabVM/Rules/FAQ: Difference between revisions

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==If I did something that is illegal in my country, but is totally legal in the US, is that a bannable offense?==
No, as long as you're not breaking United States Federal Law or New Jersey State Law, you will not be banned.
Yes. If you commit a crime in your country and we discover it, we will ban you under Rule 1.
Note that this only applies to things that are generally recognized worldwide as actual crimes (We won't ban chinese people for saying Fuck the CCP)
==Is opening porn a bannable offense?==
==Is saying racial slurs/opening Nazi swastikas a bannable offense?==
Yes, we do not allow hate speech.
I'm not going to be the word police and ban everyone who says the N-word or opens a picture of Adolf Hitler, so go nuts.
As of 2023 using a racial slur may get you a mute.
==Is breaking the VM a bannable offense?==