CollabVM Discord: Difference between revisions

I think if this isn't going to be in the Satire namespace we should be serious here. Maybe I'm just the fun police
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(I think if this isn't going to be in the Satire namespace we should be serious here. Maybe I'm just the fun police)
* [[Nyxdote]]
Admins have access to the exclusive admin channels. Since Dartz is never online and only comes on once every blue moon, all of the decisions and moderation are done in a very anarchy-like manner by general consensus. Essentially, if everyone hates you, you get b&banned.
CollabVM moderators have access to the moderator channel and can ban/kick users from the VMs. Discord moderators, as the name implies, only have permissions in the Discord server and do not have ranks on the CollabVM website.
=== Landing ===
; #announcements
: Announcements regarding CollabVM, the Discord or other Computernewb projects are announced here. Most staff tend to use it as a shitpost channel, though.
: For when an admin wants to ping everyone for no reason about something really important, that will get drowned out by incessant shitposting.
; #rules
: The imaginary and unenforced rules of the Discord server. Has more than 4 rules!
; #how-to-verify
: A channel which explains how to get verified in this server. As you would expect, there is a rampant problem of people disregarding the important information in this channel.
; #joins
: A channel that logs everyone who joins the server.
: If you want to see what type of people join the Discord, then check that channel out. You're not gonna like what you're gonna see in there.
; #verification
: Although that channel is only viewable to non-verified members, it contains a button to open a ticket and some verification instructions. It used to be viewable as a read-only channel during the old verification system.
=== Chatrooms ===
; #public
: The public channel. Isfor widelyall regardedverified asmembers ato cesspoolspeak in.
; #vidya
: The channel for all things video game related.
: For just posting memes in general.
; #vnc-resolver
: A channel dedicated to using the VNC Resolver bot.
: Where you can stare at the screen typing /vnc for 5 minutes, then get bored and leave.
; #glorified-rss-feed
: Where you can receive and take advantage of cool things like Steam and GOG game promotions, from the FreeStuff bot.
: A joke channel dedicated to poking fun at Cosmic Sans's nondescriptive Git commits, back when he was developing the since discontinued CollabVM 2.0.
; #suggestions
: A channel dedicated for suggestions to CollabVM and the Discord. Most ideas sent do not get considered though.
: Shitty ideas that will never be considered. Every admin has this channel muted, but you can try anyway if you want
; #nsfw-spam
: The NSFW channel (also doubles as spam channel, and both). To get access to this channel, you will need to be 18 years old or higher, for obvious reasons.
: The public bots channel.
; #wasteland
: A channel accessible to nonverifiednon-verified members.
=== archived ===
: The official annual CollabVM advent calendar for 2022 that would post a new [ Crusty Windows] bootleg everyday up until the 24th of December.
; #verification-archive
: The old verification channel, where people would send their age, and wait for an admin to verify them. It had no privacyMemebers and was very chaotic, and wasstaff pronetended to modsshitpost and memebers constantthere shitpostingregularly, and childrenothers beggingtended to benot verifieduse everythe 20 minutes,channel beforeas it was shutteredintended. andIt was eventually replaced with thea new ticket-based verification system in 2023.
; #support-archive
: The old support channel, before it changed to a forum channel.