Windows 8: Difference between revisions

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* Addition of heavy Telemetry (and where all of the spyware fuckery really started)
* Forced updating for [[Windows 7]] users like with [[Windows 10]] where it smuggled itself through official Update channels and tried to completely molest your Windows install
* Removal of the old Open With Win32 dialog and replaced with &lt;<code&gt;>OpenWith.exe&lt;</code&gt;>, a Metro/UWP based dialog where if you wanted to exit the dialog, you had to either press ESC or &gt;Click outside the dialog
* And oh, Metro apps being harder to navigate than Win32 ones
* And if you thought the regular Metro apps were bad, &gt;No obvious way to exit the Fullscreen Metro apps
* &gt;File Explorer's new Ribbon
* &gt;Move your cursor to the bottom left to activate the Start screen!
* &gt;A whole slew of annoying "features" where you had to "Bounce your cursor around the screen to activate some retarded nonsense you don't care about!" &lt;!-- I forgot what they were called, excuse me. --&gt;
* Metro being a horrid idea in general
* No real UI design, looks like straight out of PowerPoint