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{{Infobox user
| name = Andrej Akan
| username = jjjj, Andrej, Trycs, Nina005
| nationality = Unknown
| years active = 2018 - Current
| status = Active
| problem = Yes
"'''Andrej Akan'''" (aka <s>[[jjjj]]</s> (jjjj is actually [[Trycs]])) is an imaginary persona created by [[Nina005]] approximately four years ago (2018), representing a mentally ill 16 year old schizophrenic manchild with a feces and prolapsed anus fetish with a superiority complex, a ravenous desperate and addicted [[Kit]]/[[Bouncer]] user who will stop at no bounds to continue his overusage of it, a supposed "servant" of the schizophrenic personality "Janus" who is thought to be "God" and supposedly has an entire "Botnet", or a mixture of both.