Satire:Andrej Akan

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Andrej Akan
Username(s) jjjj, Andrej, Trycs, Nina005, Dove
Nationality Unknown
Years active 2017 - Current
Status Active
Problematic user (Forkie) Yes

"Andrej Akan" is an imaginary persona created by Nina005 that has been active since 2017, representing a mentally ill 16 year old schizophrenic manchild with a feces and prolapsed anus fetish with a superiority complex, a ravenous desperate and addicted Kit/Bouncer user who will stop at no bounds to continue his overusage of it, a supposed "servant" of the schizophrenic personality "Janus" who is thought to be "God" and supposedly has an entire "botnet", or a mixture of both.

He is a forkie who loves, almost addicted, to constantly destroy VMs, always by either: Kit/Bouncer, Fake OIETIF, deletion of the HKLM registry hive or his ducktaped together jjjj Ransomware. He is inherently, and was designed to be, anti-fun. He has a massive, and I mean, MASSIVE ransomware hyperfixation that is rivaled only by Hildaboo's own.

He constantly impersonates people he doesn't like on the site and occassionally terminates random people he doesn't like on Discord (he hasn't done this since 2019). His true country of origin is unknown, but he has been presumed to be from either Pakistan or Croatia. Either way, it still pisses him off when either of those countries are mentioned, but even it still doesn't provide a conclusive answer.

He is famous for having grammar so bad and terrible, that someone, somehow, wanted to compile a list of hilarious quotes he has said over the course of a few years. Here it is: Click here to see all the quotes! (warning: it's really long!)

He is known to take long hiatuses from CollabVM before terrorizing it once more. I want to say he spends 6 months into the site, and then takes a break for 6 months or multiple years.


  • He has the world's smallest penis measuring at 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 mm
  • He constantly tells everyone that he "made them" and a lot of other nonsense bullshit.
  • He constantly says "U don't know my location!" and spergs out when someone points "it" out.
  • He has no idea what "kupteraz" means. (it means "buy now" in Polish)
  • He doesn't know what "cum" or "router" means.
  • He always pretends to be sick so he can go to CollabVM.
  • He has no life and is mainly bored.
  • He is also a pedophile who wants to fuck minors.
  • He also claims that he's a robot. He's a human, not a robot. In retrospect, he was likely telling the truth based on his past actions.
  • He also claims that he lives in Pakistan, but in reality, he lives in Croatia. But then again, nobody really knows...
  • He also threatened to take down YouTube accounts to others outside of CollabVM:
  • He is also in denial after someone proves that they can fix a PC from his shitty MBR overwriters.
  • He claims to have no PC.

Andrej Akan's accounts Nina005's LARP accounts

  • YouTube channel: [redacted]
Known names: first blood, Leurak Vinesauce
  • Discord account:
previous: Andrej Akan#???? Discrim: five, zero, six, six (Irrelevant due to Discord's new username rules)
current: Amogussucks#???? Discrim: zero, four, three, four (Irrelevant due to Discord's new username rules)
Known names: Andrej Akan, Amogussucks, Leurak Vinesauce
  • GitHub account:
current: [*B*lood, *F*irst] [(0+2)-(1-2), (0+1)+(1-2)]

About @andrejnkv on Twitter/Instagram

Since I always see people saying @andrejnkv [1] is andrej akan's twitter/instagram account:

It is NOT Andrej Akan and it is some random person with the same name "Andrej" and so you are only harassing someone random on the internet.

Andrej Akan lives in croatia while the person behind that twitter/instagram account lives in Scotland

Andrej Akan ONLY took his profile picture to claim it as his face, he will do anything to mask his identity further!

Did you know that Andrej Akan is a...


He constantly abused Discord's user reporting system to terminate random users he doesn't like and one of the many people he keeps rent free inside his head, e.g. His faggot friends, DarkOK, Hildaboo, nyxdote, Coo and Undefishin


He constantly pointlessly impersonates random people and tries to hide his identity, usually failing miserably because of the way he acts and his grammar. You would have to be a dumb enough retard to believe his LARPs!

Con artist/Imposter

He impersonated icanttellyou and successfully tricked DFU into giving him the unsanitized version of collabbot (Collabbot had two now-banned destructive commands, .lastmeasure and .kit. For safety reasons, when giving the bot source code out, these commands were usually hidden away)


Meaning Andrej used Kit so much to the point it was even banned by Dartz himself, as confirmed when it was made a rule violation in September 2019(?) [2].


He used the Kit command for malicious purposes, going around and destroying the VMs everywhere he went. Initially, before Andrej got a hold of it, Kit was used rarely and kept largely secret.


His actions on Discord extend far beyond the mass false reports of the many users he hates, he often seeks Discord servers to find random users and otherwise particular ones he keeps in his head all day to false report and afterwards get terminated.

One of them was (the now defunct) DFU Republic 2, (initially) DFU's personal server for his friend group to which the invite was public (contextually if you were part of it), which (eventually) became a massive friend group server (in the later parts of RFU Republic/Revo).


Andrej Akan

Most of these quotes were taken in 2019 - 2020


Everything from here is from 2020 (as seen by screenshots clearly being from the CollabVM 2.0 chat box). The Niko Bellic one is from 2022 and it was taken by Swordlink1.


See also