Collabbot (not to be confused with CollabBot) is a CollabVM bot made by icanttellyou in 2019. Its command prefix is .
- s/[param 1]/[param 2] - Gets your previous message with the first parameter, and replaces it with the second parameter and returns your previous message. (Keep in mind that you can easily exploit this!!!)
- 8ball - It is an implementation of the Magic 8-Ball.
- amz - used to interact with the amz php bot.
- assa - Reverses your text and mirrors it in the other direction.
- ayya - Mirrors your text.
- b64/base64 - RW5jb2RlcyB0ZXh0IGludG8gQmFzZTY0Lg==
- b64d/base64decode - Decodes Base64 text.
- blacklist - blacklists user from using the bot. (OWNER ONLY)
- changelog - Gives you the changelog of the bot.
- crash - crashes the bot. (OWNER ONLY)
- credits - Gives you the credits of the bot.
- debug - gives debug info.
- decide - the command decides for you.
- eval - runs a command from the system. (OWNER ONLY)
- feedback - Allows you to give feedback about the bot, and give any suggestions.
- help/commands - gives you help.
- info - information about the bot.
- ip/myip/ipv4/myipv4 - gives you a fake IP of text you input or your username or VPN IP.
- ipv6/myipv6 - gives you a fake IPv6 IP of text you input or your username or VPN IP.
- ipcheck - used to check if the IP is a proxy or a VPN.
- js/.javascript - JavaScript interpreter.
- kill - used to kill all of the commands, replaced by the whitelist. (OWNER ONLY)
- lua - LUA interpreter. (OWNER ONLY)
- markov - Just a markov chain, nothing special.
- pasta - outputs a text file. (OWNER ONLY)
- pn/phonenumber - gives you a fake phone number of text you input or your username.
- reload - reloads the configuration of the bot. (OWNER ONLY)
- retard - Calculates how retarded are you, or whatever you input.
- reverse - reversed the text you send.
- revive - used to bring back all of the commands, replaced by the whitelist. (OWNER ONLY)
- roll - rolls a random number from 0 to 9223372036854775806
- rot - ebgngrf yrggref sebz 1 gb 47 gvzrf.
- saas - Reverses your text and mirrors it.
- say - it's almost like the bot is talking to you.
- stats - Statistics, like how many messages were sent in chat by users.
- system - System usage, like RAM and CPU.
- time - Gives you the time of the system, or time-zones available on the system.
- timestamp - Gives you the UNIX timestamp.
tutorial - used to give you tutorials, scrapped due to data loss.- verify - used to verify if the user is the owner of the bot.
- version - Gives you the version of the bot.
- vpn - spoofs the IP when you use .ip
- whitelist - allows you to manage the whitelist. (OWNER ONLY)
- xkcd - gives you a random xkcd comic.
- yaay - Mirrors your text in the other direction.