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During the first few days of infection, the "host" (hereby designated SCP-3152-1) will begin to observe mild usage of "[[Collabology]]", which consists primarily of suffixing common English words with homophobic slurs (i.e. "reboot[friend]", "close[friend]", and on rare occasions, "[friend][friend]"). No other symptoms are present by this point.
Approximately one to three weeks after the initial infection, SCP-3152-1 will become more obsessed with "forking"<ref>Refers to destroying a system. Originates from the term "fork bomb", although it is typically done through deleting critical system files or by running malicious software (most commonly MEMZ or 000), which is considered a violation of "Rule 9" within [ the rules of SCP-3151].</ref> virtual machines, specifically one from SCP-3151, and begin to show symptoms similar to those of mild bipolar disorder. Their usage of "Collabology" dramatically increases. SCP-3152-1 will also develop a hatred for SCP-3151's "administrators", becoming particularly belligerent if "CHOCOLATEMAN" (and alsoor "Elijahelijah") orand any variation of that name is mentioned.<ref>I swear to God, the next person who screams "CHOCOLATEMAN!" at one of these freaks is getting assigned to 682 duty. I've had to replace 17 god damn keyboards THIS WEEK. Did I mention it's only Tuesday? -Dr ████</ref>
One month after infection, the disease will begin to impair SCP-3152-1's normal bodily and cognitive functions. Their grasp on their native language will degenerate to a point where they can only formunderstand and understandspeak elementary-level sentences, and their use of "Collabology" dramatically increases to a point where nearly every word they use is suffixed with the word "-[friend]". TheTheir compulsion to "fork" a VMVMs becomes psychotic, withand obsessive. SCP-3152-1 experiencingwill explosivebegin psychologicalto episodesneglect whentheir deprivedown ofpersonal theneeds abilityin topursuit forkof athis VM.goal, Beingand bannedwill suffer from SCP-3151explosive bypsychological itsmeltdowns staffif typicallydeprived causesof near-totalthis psychologicalability. meltdowns within SCP-3152-1; theyThey have been observed to violently destroy all objects withinin their vicinity, as well as sending deranged messages and violentdeath threats to SCP-3151's administrators in a desperate attempt to use the website again (typically resulting in the administrators openly mocking them, which further fuels their rage).
Two months after infection, SCP-3152-1 will become almost completely mentally disabled, suffering fromshowing symptoms similar to those of severe psychosis and low-functioning autism spectrum disorder. SCP-3152-1 will utilize "Collabology" more than once per second, and will constantlyessentially anddedicate obsessivelyevery "forkwaking VMs",moment neglectingof their ownlives personalto needs"forking" andSCP-3151's havingvirtual completemachines, mentalonly breakdownsstopping whenonce deprivedthey ofcollapse thisfrom ability.exhaustion SCP-3152-1,or bystarvation. By this point, SCP-3152-1 has lost all ability to speak their native language;, theyand willis usuallyonly communicatecapable onlyof responding with growling or grumbling noises. They are still able to communicate through SCP-3151 inwith a form of near-nearly unrecognizable pseudo-English known(informally referred to as "[[Collablish]]"), using phrases such as "GO VM7" or "GET OUT" (towards other users of SCP-3151. Notably, this effect seems to occur even if theySCP-3152-1 had no knowledge of English prior) towardto other users of SCP-3151infection.
Around fourthree to sixfive months after infection, SCP-3152-1 will suffersuffers a total andcomplete, irreversible brain death.
'''Incident Log 3152-5''':
SCP-3152 is incredibly contagious. Prognosis is extremely grim, with only about 3% of the infected being successfully "cured", usually during the early incubation phase via forced withdrawal of SCP-3151 access. Amnestics have proven effective in halting the development of the disease, although any damage inflicted from SCP-3151 appears to be permanent.
The biology of SCP-3152 is very unclear, with no pathogenic trace being observed in any of its hosts. The only physical indication of an SCP-3152 infection found thus far is the gradual weakening and shutting down of sections of the brain responsible for emotional regulation and language processing, leading to the working theory that SCP-3152 is a disorder of the psychological nature.