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== Roles ==
There are exactly 54 pipeline roles (which are part of the infraction roles) in total. (not including the other infraction roles)
Where most people who will (un)willingly participate in the pipeline begin:
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(255,0,202); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> mallow from sm<nowiki>:</nowiki>rpg
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(37,0,255); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> todd howard of bethesda games
; <div style="border-radius: 40px; width: 18px; background: rgb(241,196,15); user-select: none; touch-callout: none; display: inline-block;">&nbsp;</div> S-Tier Dumbass
After you have some or all of the pipeline roles (not including other infraction roles), you will end up getting a specific punishment. Usually, you'll get unverified or kicked, or banned if you've been really bad. You can sometimes get a second chance if you appeal, but depending on what you did, who you are, the mood of the moderation team or some other factors it may not work out well for you.


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