Linux 0.00/Source
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# Boot.s this code has been transferred to the memory 0 x10000, and in protected mode
KRN_BASE = 0x10000
# Boot.s we have learned about the structure of the Register, which is the index table at the gdt
# Gdt a table of the table of eight bytes. Each user process of the two gdt table, and ldt tss
Not # 1
# The second is the code of the system
# The third is the system of data
# 3 is the memory of the system
TSS0_SEL = 0x20
LDT0_SEL = 0x28
TSS1_SEL = 0X30
LDT1_SEL = 0x38
. Text
# Register all of the data, all point system, gdt Table 3
Movl $ 0x10,% eax
Mov% ax,% ds
Mov% ax,% es
Mov% ax,% fs
Mov% ax,% gs
# Load the stack of address
Lss stack_ptr,% esp
# Linux-0.00 There are two processes, one has been Print A, B another has been Print
# Switching until 8253 have interrupted the process
# Operating system paging mechanism used by the former sub mechanism. In modern operating systems,
# Some say cleverly around Linux in the past, some people say that is not ...
# Mechanism for the use of sub-systems for each user process the two gdt table, a paragraph is tss, another paragraph is ldt
# The following two dozen lines of code set up the process of tss, and ldt
These two paragraphs # absolute addresses wrote gdt table of the corresponding local
Gdt Table # Please refer to the structure of the C Program
# Http://
Movl $ KRN_BASE,% ebx
Movl $ gdt,% ecx
Lea tss0,% eax
Movl $ TSS0_SEL,% edi
Call set_base
Lea ldt0,% eax
Movl $ LDT0_SEL,% edi
Call set_base
Lea tss1,% eax
Movl $ TSS1_SEL,% edi
Call set_base
Lea ldt1,% eax
Movl $ LDT1_SEL,% edi
Call set_base
# Setup_idt to 256 interrupt vector processing functions are set to ignore_int
Call setup_idt
# Global descriptor table and the length of the initial address printed in the Register gdtr
Call setup_gdt
Movl $ 0x10,% eax # reload all the segment registers
Mov% ax,% ds # after changing gdt.
Mov% ax,% es
Mov% ax,% fs
Mov% ax,% gs
Lss stack_ptr,% esp
# Setup up timer 8253 chip.
Movb $ 0x36,% al
Movl $ 0x43,% edx
Outb% al,% dx
Movl $ 11,930,% eax # timer frequency 100 HZ
Movl $ 0x40,% edx
Outb% al,% dx
Movb% ah,% al
Outb% al,% dx
# There are three operating systems interruption, software interruption, and processor hardware interrupt abnormal
# Timer_interrupt hardware interrupt handling procedures, the film tells the system time, the switching process
# System_interrupt interrupt processing software, users can use the system to process called Print the letters A or B
# Mode is the IDT (interrupt descriptor table) in the memory address 0 x0 started from the local
# Protected mode register idtr have a special place at the beginning of IDT
IDT # therefore need not address 0 x0 started on the place
# Mode is a disruption to account for 4 bytes, 256 1 k byte
A # protected mode interrupt descriptor or 8 bytes; 256 total 2k bytes
# Protected mode interrupt descriptor is interrupted doors, trap doors or doors task. Some said there is a book called Gate
# Interrupted doors and trap doors only difference is not allowed to interrupt the door further interruption, that is the meaning of the Executive interrupted doors
# Interrupt handling procedures at customs is interrupted. The door to the hardware interrupt handling interruption
# Trap door opposite, allowing interruption processing software interruption. The code below shows this point
Door # task switching process provides a hardware-level support. Now the Linux kernel and not the use of this mechanism
# However linux-0.00 indeed use this hardware switching mechanism
# Interrupt handling procedures set up where the paragraph is the system code, the table is the second gdt
# Interrupt handling procedures and paragraph migration in the high 16 location 0
Movl $ 0x00080000,% eax
# Interrupt handling procedures set up in the migration of the low 16
Movw $ timer_interrupt,% ax
# Core states interrupted doors, and the doors effective
Movw $ 0x8E00,% dx
# Timer_interrupt interrupt vector is 32,
Movl $ 0x20,% ecx
Lea idt (,% ecx, 8),% esi
# Will be set up on the door interrupted the good content wrote idt corresponding table (32)
Movl% eax, (% esi)
Movl% edx, 4 (% esi)
# Interrupt handling procedures set up in the migration of the low 16
Movw $ system_interrupt,% ax
# User-trap doors, and the doors effective
Movw $ 0xef00,% dx
# System_interrupt interrupt vector is 128,
Movl $ 0x80,% ecx
Lea idt (,% ecx, 8),% esi
# Trap door will be erected good idt wrote the contents of the corresponding table (128)
Movl% eax, (% esi)
Movl% edx, 4 (% esi)
# Unmask the timer interrupt.
Movl $ 0x21,% edx
Inb% dx,% al
Andb $ 0xfe,% al
Outb% al,% dx
# The following three lines of code set up EFLAGS NT 0
# NT = 0 to the following tasks to prepare for switch
# "Linux kernel completely Notes" section 102 403 lines of code as follows (kernel / sched.c):
# __asm__ ( "Pushfl; andl $ 0xffffbfff, (% esp); popfl");
# The following three lines of code above is launched
# NT nested task is the acronym EFLAGS of the first 15 signs. When NT = 0:00 no task switching
# Behind tss0 and tss1 structure in eflags = 0x0200, which is NT = 1, a task switching
# X86 a total of four ways switching tasks
# 1. Ljmp $ task_selector, $ 0
# 2. Lcall $ task_selector, $ 0
# 3. Int 0x80
# 4. Iret
# Ljmp and lcall distinction is no longer Jump ljmp not come back, but can also Jump back lcall
# Int 0x80 must Jump to the mission doors
# NT iret must be set to 1
# Behind the timer interrupt handling functions is used ljmp timer_interrupt
# Ljmp $ TSS0_SEL, $ 0
# Ljmp $ TSS1_SEL, $ 0
Andl $ 0xffffbfff, (% esp)
# Printed in the process 0 task Register
Movl $ TSS0_SEL,% eax
Ltr% ax
# Printed in the process 0 local descriptor table register
Movl $ LDT0_SEL,% eax
Lldt% ax
# Set up the current process was 0
Movl $ 0, current
# Open interruption. Iret after two tasks can be run alternately
Pushl $ 0x17
Pushl $ stack0_ptr
Pushl $ 0x0f
Pushl $ task0
# No task switching (NT = 0), only Jump to task0 punishable by implementing user -
# I think that also can be understood as Jump to a special task 0 process
Lgdt lgdt_opcode
Lea ignore_int,% edx
Movl $ 0x00080000,% eax
Movw% dx,% ax / * selector = 0x0008 = cs * /
Movw $ 0x8E00,% dx / * interrupt gate - dpl = 0, present * /
Lea idt,% edi
Mov $ 256,% ecx
Movl% eax, (% edi)
Movl% edx, 4 (% edi)
Addl $ 8,% edi
Dec% ecx
Jne rp_sidt
Lidt lidt_opcode
# In:% eax - logic addr;% ebx = base addr;
#% Ecx - table addr;% edi - descriptors offset.
Addl% ebx,% eax
Addl% ecx,% edi
Movw% ax, 2 (% edi)
Rorl $ 16,% eax
Movb% al, 4 (% edi)
Movb% ah, 7 (% edi)
Rorl $ 16,% eax
Push% gs
Pushl% ebx
Pushl% eax
# Printed in the memory of
Mov $ 0x18,% ebx
Mov% bx,% gs
# Shown by the last character position
Movl scr_loc,% bx
# Each of the two-byte characters, the first byte is what we have to show that the byte
Shl $ 1,% ebx
# Characters' A 'or' B 'direct wrote in memory
Movb% al,% gs: (% ebx)
# Of a two-byte characters, the second byte is the attribute byte
# For example 0 x07 is normal, black white; 0 x70 is reversed - phase, black white
# When the procedures set up a property, it would maintain the same attribute, after all the characters have the same attributes
# Until another operation changed the attributes
# If add the following three lines here, it will be the effect of white black
# Inc% ebx
# Movb $ 0x70,% gs: (% ebx)
# Dec% ebx
Shr $ 1,% ebx
Incl% ebx
# CGA provides both texts model 40 x25 and 80 x25, if it is 80 x25 that is a screen can have 2,000 characters
# Characters each pixel of 8x8 months, the CGA has two resolution 320 x 200 and 640 x 200
# If the following 2000 to 1000, we will find that only a former semi-screen output
Cmpl $ 2000,% ebx
# If visitors fill a screen, then start again
Jb 1f
# Counter Fu 0
Movl $ 0,% ebx
# Preserve the current cursor position
1: movl% ebx, scr_loc
Popl% eax
Popl% ebx
Pop% gs
/ * This is the default interrupt "handler" :-) * /
. Align 2
Push% ds
Pushl% eax
Movl $ 0x10,% eax
Mov% ax,% ds
Movl $ 67,% eax / * print 'C' * /
Call write_char
Popl% eax
Pop% ds
/ * Timer interrupt handler * /
. Align 2
Push% ds
Pushl% edx
Pushl% ecx
Pushl% ebx
Pushl% eax
Movl $ 0x10,% eax
Mov% ax,% ds
Movb $ 0x20,% al
Outb% al, $ 0x20
Movl $ 1,% eax
Cmpl% eax, current
Je 1f
Movl% eax, current
Ljmp $ TSS1_SEL, $ 0
Jmp 2f
1: movl $ 0, current
Ljmp $ TSS0_SEL, $ 0
2: popl% eax
Popl% ebx
Popl% ecx
Popl% edx
Pop% ds
/ * System call handler * /
. Align 2
Push% ds
Pushl% edx
Pushl% ecx
Pushl% ebx
Pushl% eax
Movl $ 0x10,% edx
Mov% dx,% ds
Call write_char
Popl% eax
Popl% ebx
Popl% ecx
Popl% edx
Pop% ds
Current:. Long 0
Scr_loc:. Long 0
. Align 2
. Word 0
. Word 256 * 8-1 # idt contains 256 entries
. Long idt + KRN_BASE # This will be rewrite by code.
. Align 2
. Word 0
. Word (end_gdt - gdt) -1 # so does gdt
. Long gdt + KRN_BASE # This will be rewrite by code.
. Align 3
Idt:. Fill 256,8,0 # idt is uninitialized
Gdt:. Quad 0x0000000000000000 / * NULL descriptor * /
. Quad 0x00c09a01000007ff / * 8Mb 0x08, base = 0x10000 * /
. Quad 0x00c09201000007ff / * 8Mb 0x10 * /
# Control段描述符table can know the definition of the base site is 0 xb8000 (736K)
# "Linux kernel completely Notes," a book 206 649 lines of code as follows
# Vidio_mem_start = 0xb8000
# Note the color mode shows the initial memory address is 0 xb8000
. Quad 0x00c0920b80000002 / * screen 0x18 - for display * /
. Quad 0x0000e90100000068 # TSS0 descr 0x20
. Quad 0x0000e20100000040 # LDT0 descr 0x28
. Quad 0x0000e90100000068 # TSS1 descr 0x30
. Quad 0x0000e20100000040 # LDT1 descr 0x38
. Fill 128,4,0
. Long stack_ptr
. Word 0x10
. Align 3
Ldt0:. Quad 0x0000000000000000
. Quad 0x00c0fa01000003ff # 0x0f, base = 0x10000
. Quad 0x00c0f201000003ff # 0x17
. Long 0 / * back link * /
. Long stack0_krn_ptr, 0x10 / * esp0, ss0 * /
. Long 0, 0 / * esp1, ss1 * /
. Long 0, 0 / * esp2, ss2 * /
. Long 0 / * cr3 * /
. Long task0 / * eip * /
. Long 0x200 / * eflags * /
. Long 0, 0, 0, 0 / * eax, ecx, edx, ebx * /
. Long stack0_ptr, 0, 0, 0 / * esp, ebp, esi, edi * /
. Long 0x17, 0x0f, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17 / * es, cs, ss and ds, fs, gs * /
. Long LDT0_SEL / * ldt * /
. Long 0x8000000 / * trace bitmap * /
. Fill 128,4,0
. Long 0
. Align 3
Ldt1:. Quad 0x0000000000000000
. Quad 0x00c0fa01000003ff # 0x0f, base = 0x10000
. Quad 0x00c0f201000003ff # 0x17
. Long 0 / * back link * /
. Long stack1_krn_ptr, 0x10 / * esp0, ss0 * /
. Long 0, 0 / * esp1, ss1 * /
. Long 0, 0 / * esp2, ss2 * /
. Long 0 / * cr3 * /
. Long task1 / * eip * /
. Long 0x200 / * eflags * /
. Long 0, 0, 0, 0 / * eax, ecx, edx, ebx * /
. Long stack1_ptr, 0, 0, 0 / * esp, ebp, esi, edi * /
. Long 0x17, 0x0f, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17 / * es, cs, ss and ds, fs, gs * /
. Long LDT1_SEL / * ldt * /
. Long 0x8000000 / * trace bitmap * /
. Fill 128,4,0
. Long 0
Movl $ 0x17,% eax
Movw% ax,% ds
Movl $ 65,% al / * print 'A' * /
Int $ 0x80
Movl $ 0xfff,% ecx
1: loop 1b
Jmp task0
. Fill 128,4,0
. Long 0
Movl $ 0x17,% eax
Movw% ax,% ds
Movl $ 66,% al / * print 'B' * /
Int $ 0x80
Movl $ 0xfff,% ecx
1: loop 1b
Jmp task1
. Fill 128,4,0
. Long 0
/ *** *** End /