Modeco80/Cool Hello World code

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// ==== Hello World Enterprise Edition ===
// (c) 2018 FakeCorp Ltd. All rights reserved.
// Main entry point for the application.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;

namespace HelloWorld {
	class Stream {
		Stream(string str){
			mp_stream << str; // Push str into the underlying stream.
		void pushString(string str) { /* Push a string into the stream. */ mp_stream << str; }
		string toString() { /* Return the resulting string buffer. */ return mp_stream.str(); }
		stringstream mp_stream;
	class StreamWriter {
		virtual void writeStream(Stream& stream, string buffer) {}
	class HelloWorldStreamWriter : public StreamWriter {
		void writeStream(Stream& stream, string buffer){
			stream.pushString(buffer); // Push the string to the stream.
	class HelloWorldApplication {
		int Run(){
			Stream f_Stream("");
			mp_Hw.writeStream(f_Stream, "Hello World!"); // Start the stream writer.
			cout << f_Stream.toString() << endl; // Print the resulting stream buffer to the standard console output
			return 0; // Return a successful exit code.
		HelloWorldStreamWriter mp_Hw;

int main(){
	HelloWorld::HelloWorldApplication hwapp; // Initalize the application.
	return hwapp.Run(); // Run the application.