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==Gallery of VNCs==
File:Blank.jpg|The most common type of VNC you'll find.
Linux_loginFile:Linux login.jpg|The second most common. Text in terminal may vary.
Chinese_gamerFile:Chinese gamer.jpg|The third most common. The desktop may vary.
Windows_Server_2008_VNCFile:Windows Server 2008 VNC.jpg|The fourth most common. Usually in Japanese.
File:Israeli.jpg|The fifth most common.
File:Danfoss.jpg|The sixth most common.
Industrial_1File:Industrial 1.jpg|Industrial machine
Industrial_2File:Industrial 2.jpg|Another industrial machine
Industrial_3File:Industrial 3.jpg|Another industrial machine
Industrial_4File:Industrial 4.jpg|Another industrial machine
Industrial_5File:Industrial 5.jpg|Another strange industrial machine
Industrial_6File:Industrial 6.jpg|Another industrial machine in Polish
Do_not_shootFile:Do not shoot.jpg|An industrial machine with a vaguely funny message. This was later changed to "Safe to Shoot."
File:TicTacToe.jpg|Someone playing Tic Tac Toe against a computer (and losing...)
File:NT 4.jpg|Hotel POS software running on Windows NT 4
File:Another NT4.jpg|Some more NT 4 software
File:Windows CE.jpg|Windows CE Logon Screen
File:Pig Farm.jpg|Korean Pig Farm
File:Enpass.jpg|Someone running a "password generator" on their open VNC
File:Kali.jpg|Someone installing Kali
File: 5900.jpg|Someone viewing their Gmail
File:Messy.jpeg|A very messy desktop
Very_large_desktopFile:Very large desktop.jpg|A large desktop
File:Nvidia.jpg|Nvidia-themed Ubuntu login
Mac_or_BSD_errorFile:Mac or BSD error.jpg|An error on BSD or Mac OS
7_login_with_MarkFile:7 login with Mark.jpeg|Chinese Windows 7 login with a user named "Mark"
Hebrew_errorFile:Hebrew error.jpg|An error on some Hebrew software
Hungarian_terminalFile:Hungarian terminal.jpg|Terminal connecting to some IP address
File:UOS.jpg|Chinese Linux distribution
Phone_1File:Phone 1.jpg|An Android phone
Phone_2File:Phone 2.jpg|Another Android phone
File:Panic.jpg|A kernel panic
File:Hacked.jpg|A seemingly hacked Linux root shell
File: 5900.jpg|Bank thingy?
File: 5900.jpg|Guy watching the world die on a industrial machine
File: 5901.jpg|Quick! They are on to me!! Better turn off my computer!!!
File: 5900.jpg|Something that looks like a UEFI firmware settings menu
No_OS_1File:No OS 1.jpg|A computer without an operating system
No_OS_2File:No OS 2.jpg|Another computer without an operating system
Opensuse_1File:Opensuse 1.jpg|An OpenSUSE login screen. Variants are plentiful.
Display_managerFile:Display manager.jpg|A Linux display manager for a library computer
Debian_1File:Debian 1.jpg|A Debian computer that has been logged into
Root_consoleFile:Root console.jpg|A Linux root console that has executed ip route
File:Cirros.jpg|A Cirros Linux login screen. Very common.
Obscure_bootloaderFile:Obscure bootloader.jpg|An obscure bootloader
Linux_updateFile:Linux update.jpg|Somebody updating their Linux system
Happy_hackingFile:Happy hacking.jpg|A program/OS which seems to be hacking-related
Linux_warningFile:Linux warning.jpg|A Linux login screen with a warning
Ubuntu_TrustyFile:Ubuntu Trusty.jpg|An Ubuntu 14.04 login screen
Mysterious_VNCFile:Mysterious VNC.jpg|A cryptic VNC server
File:Marbella.jpeg|A Spanish VNC server
File:Open vnc ipgone.jpg|Strange iPhone VNC
File:TeamViewer VNC.jpg|An insecure VNC showing TeamViewer login. Funnily enough, the client name was "kk-security194".
File:CampSwift.jpg|A VNC that should definitely not be online.
File:Dickbutt.jpg|A VNC which is just Dickbutt.
File:Kitchenbox.jpg|Interesting kitchen IoT(?) VNC
File:WhatTheHell.jpg|VNC of an sewage company that manages water pipes.
File:GameServer.jpg|An insecure VNC hosting a server for the game "Subsistence".
File:SecFox.jpg|Login screen for a Linux distribution called "SecFox OS", running on a Chinese server. No information about this OS appears to be present online.
File:BillboardVNC.jpg|A VNC that appears to belong to a billboard or some digital signage.
File:Glitched VNC.jpg|Broken turkish VNC server sending invalid compression data, resulting in this broken mess.
File:Bitcoin Miner.jpg|A VNC with 4 GPUs mining Bitcoin.
File:DSOX1202A Oscilloscope.jpg|A DSOX1202A Oscilloscope by Keystone with an Open VNC
File:Port 15900.jpg|A Windows 7 VM running on Port 15900. Always remember: Security by obscurity is not security.
File:Restaurant PoS.jpg|Restaurant PoS Software
File:Android 3.jpg|An Android phone
File:FunnyLockWallpaper.jpg|A very good lock screen wallpaper.
File:Blueprints.jpg|Some sort of blueprints?
File:Minecraft Gamer.jpg|Someone playing Minecraft
File:VB6 Monitor.jpg|Some monitoring software?
File:Vnc testing in progress.webp|Testing what?


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