UserVM Handbook/Windows: Difference between revisions

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choco install qemu git mingw llvm nasm cmake nodejs nssm rust-ms visualstudio2019-workload-vctools
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== Set up your VM ==
Now is a good time to get your VM set up. Currently, the only supported hypervisor is QEMU. We have many guides on this wiki for setting up different OSes in QEMU, [[QEMU/Guests|check them out here.]]
Here are some ideas to make your VM interesting:
*A funny wallpaper
*Development software (Visual Studio, etc.)
*Some games
*Some harmless malware (for the love of god no GDI rapists)
== Setting up a Virtual Network ==
TODO: Windows version of CollabNet Guide host shit using OpenVPN wintun bullshit (pain)
== Configuration ==
Now we need to fill out the config file for your VM. Copy config.example.toml to config.toml, and open it in an editor. It is well commented so each value should be self-explanatory. If you have questions, feel free to ask in our Discord server.

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