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for(){write-host "NIGGERS" -f(get-random 16)-b(get-random 16)-n}

Forkie Niggers

 function w($t){cls;sal n get-random;$z=$host.ui.rawui.windowsize;for(){$h=$z.height-1;$w=$z.width-$t.length;$y=n($h+1);if($y-ne$h){$w++}[console]::setcursorposition((n $w),$y);write-host $t -f(n 16)-b(n 16)-n}}w "NIGGERS"
 function Write-RainbowText($Text){
 	Set-Alias -Name Random -Value Get-Random
 	$Size = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.WindowSize
 	While ($True) {
 		$MaxY = $Size.Height - 1
 		$MaxX = $Size.Width - $Text.Length
 		$Y = Random -Maximum ($MaxY + 1)
 		If($Y -ne $maxY) {
 			$MaxX ++
 		$X = Random -Maximum $MaxX
 		[System.Console]::SetCursorPosition($X, $Y)
 		Write-Host `
 			-Object $Text `
 			-Foreground (Random -Maximum 16 ) `
 			-Background (Random -Maximum 16 ) `
 Write-RainbowText "NIGGERS"

Minimal Forkie Niggers

sal n get-random;for(){[console]::setcursorposition((n 73),(n 25));write-host "NIGGERS" -f(n 16)-b(n 16)-n}

Multiline Forkie

 function w($t){sal n get-random;cls;$z=$host.ui.rawui.windowsize;$t=$t-split" ";for(){$l=0;$t|%{if($l-lt$_.length){$l=$_.length}};$h=$z.height-$t.count;$w=$z.width-$l;$y=n($h+1);if($y-ne$h){$w++}$x=n $w;$f=n 16;$b=n 16;$t|%{[console]::setcursorposition($x,$y);write-host($_.padright($l)) -f $f -b $b -n;$y++}}}w "HE'S BEEN FORKIES'DDD"
 function Write-RainbowText($Text){
 	Set-Alias -Name Random -Value Get-Random
 	$Size = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.WindowSize
 	$Text = $Text -split " "
 	While ($True) {
 		$Width = 0
 		$Text | ForEach-Object{
 			if($Width -lt $_.Length){
 				$Width = $_.Length
 		$MaxY = $Size.Height - $Text.Count
 		$MaxX = $Size.Width - $Width
 		$Y = Random -Maximum ($MaxY + 1)
 		If($Y -ne $maxY) {
 			$MaxX ++
 		$X = Random -Maximum $MaxX
 		$ForegroundColor = Random -Maximum 16
 		$BackgroundColor = Random -Maximum 16
 		$Text | ForEach-Object{
 			[System.Console]::SetCursorPosition($X, $Y)
 			Write-Host `
 				-Object ($_.PadRight($Width)) `
 				-Foreground $ForegroundColor `
 				-Background $BackgroundColor `
 			$Y ++
 Write-RainbowText "HE'S BEEN FORKIES'DDD"