
CollabBot is a custom-made Discord bot by Dartz for the Official CollabVM Discord. It is currently on version 1.05, and was created on June 19, 2018. The original purpose was to control an SSH server through Discord, but this has been retired, and nowadays, its mainly used for VNC Resolver.
CollabBot commands are followed by the prefix +, and the bot currently only has access to the #collabbot channel on the official CollabVM Server. Other servers may vary. The +help output is as follows:
List of commands:
- +changelog
- Will pull up a list of recent changes.
- +exec (command)
- Will execute any valid Linux command you put in, although this sometimes may not work - try +reconnect or starting a vote reset
- +help
- Will show the help dialogue (todo: make it so you can type +help (command) to get info on a command)
- +invite
- Will give a link to add CollabBot to your server.
- +ports
- Will list the currently open ports on the VM.ver.
- +password
- Will post the default password for the machine.
- +reconnect
- The bot will attempt to reconnect to SSH. Try using this if commands are not working.
- +reset
- Reset the VM to a clean state instantly without waiting for a vote reset. (CollabBot Admins only)
- +rules
- View the rules for the bot
- +screenshot
- Takes a screenshot of the open VNC and posts it to the server. (Requires image posting permissions)
- +ssh (ip) (port) (username) (password)
- Connects the bot to the specified SSH server. Example: +ssh 24 dartz somepassword (CollabBot Admins only)
- +vnc
- Prints a randomly insecure VNC server that was found by CollabBot. A new insecure VNC database is uploaded every few months.
- +votereset
- Works just like CollabVM - it starts a vote reset to reset the VM to a clean state.
Due to the limitations of Discord, text is very limited and may result in garbage output, as well as there being no support for graphics beyond the VNC screenshotting. Because text output is limited to 20>
The bot is not limited to the CollabVM Official Server - it can be invited onto any Discord server. Some commands may be limited on non-CollabVM servers. The invite for CollabBot is here: https://discorda>
The bot is currently running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and has open ports on port 24 (SSH), 5900 (VNC), and 6000 for general use. It requires no Discord permissions in order to function.
In addition to Dartz, and potentially other global Discord admins, normal users can become CollabBot admins if they are given the 'CollabBot' admin role, at the discretion of Dartz. Currently, the only Co>
CollabBot 2.0
An updated version of CollabBot, CollabBot 2.00, is currently in development. It is mostly rewritten and has new code and a few new commands. The new commands are:
- +commands
- Basically the same as +help on CollabBot 1.
- +randomcolor
- Generates a random hex color
- +help (command)
- Gives a detailed description on a certain command. This is not the same as +help from CollabBot v1, that has been renamed to +commands.
- +ping
- Bot will respond with pong. Can be used to test if the bot is online/responding to commands.
- +serverinfo
- Gives information about the current server
The following commands have been updated:
- +exec - Now informs you if there is an error with ssh instead of just blanking out. Also uses color.
- +rules - Rules are now much more detailed and colorful.